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Periodontal Medicine


What is periodontal medicine?  Periodontal medicine focuses on the treatment of non–bacterial plaque-induced conditions of periodontal tissues. These include periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases and syndromes. These syndromes often present with oral lesions and symptoms such as pain during brushing, spontaneous pain, burning, blisters and sloughing of the gingiva. Some of these symdromes include individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigoid, lichen planus, and burning mouth syndrome. 


What treatment is possible?  Treatment for these conditions includes close follow-up and monitoring to determine which therapeutic regimen is the most effective at reducing signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, many oral conditions associated with systemic conditions are not curable. However, the combination of regular follow-up and pharmacological intervention often provide dramatic relief. Medications used may include, topical or systemic steroids, and topical anesthetic for symptomatic management.


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